FAQ: Stardust Auditions

This game has been discontinued. If you’re still playing, that means you’re playing a different version and info in this blog is not applicable. Please do not ask questions regarding different versions of the game here. Thank you.


Q: How do I know what’s my rank? Is getting a number better or a % better?
A: The ranking when you get a percentage depends on the amount of players participating in the Stardust Auditions, therefore there is no fixed ranking for a certain percentage. Top 9% and above should see their rank as numbers, whereas any rank thereafter will see their rank as percentages.

Q: How do I get into top 50? How can I get a higher rank?
Voting is unfortunately very random and subjective to the players’ tastes, so there’s no surefire way to ensure a high rank all week. However, if you’re just looking to get into the top 50 once at any point each week to clear the achievement to get Dream of Freyja, you can do so by signing up for the Stardust Audition as soon as a new theme is updated.

Q: When does a new Stardust Audition start? How long does it last?
A: The Stardust Audition starts every Friday midnight, GMT+8. It lasts for a week.

Q: I didn’t receive my reward!
Rewards from the Stardust Achievement are credited usually 3-5h after a new week has begun. If you still have not received your reward by then, please contact the Customer Service.

For more information and tips on the Stardust Auditions, refer to the Beginner’s Guide.



Disclaimer: This FAQ has been adapted from the Unofficial Hello Nikki Fans group in Facebook.

7 thoughts on “FAQ: Stardust Auditions

  1. Mirai_Tenshi says:

    For the previous stardust auditions (popular benchmark) I ranked 528, but I received the rewards for 10-12%. Is this correct, or a mistake? Thank you!
    Btw, I love your blog, it’s amazing😍


    • aishahchan says:

      I’m glad you like my blog!

      The percentage you get depends on the amount of participants for the week. Assuming that most players join the Match & Vote, that means it depends on the amount of players are active in the game. So this amount may change depending on Hello Nikki’s popularity and the loyalty of the players.

      At the start of the game, ranks ~900 would get percentages of 9% and above. Recently, players who get ~900 would get a percentage of about 13%-16%.

      In the past few weeks my group has helped one of us figure out the rough percentage in recent times. Please note that these ranks are rough guesses and are subject to changes as the amount of people playing the game changes.

      1% : Champion – rank 99
      2% – 3%: Rank 100 – rank 199
      4% – 6%: Rank 200 – rank 399
      7% – 9%: Rank 400 – rank 499
      10% – 12%: Rank 500 – rank 799
      13% – 16%: Rank 800 – rank 999

      So according to this, the reward you got was correct.


  2. Mirai_Tenshi says:

    Sorry, I have another question >.<! For the last stardust auditions, ice cream sweetheart, I was ranked very high, like around 12th. However, when I opened my game today to look at my final rankings, it said I had no rank! (It still showed my outfit though). I checked and I was no longer in the top 50, and I understand I easily could have dropped ranks, but is it more likely that this was an error? Should I contact customer service? I'm just worried because I probably won't be able to do that well again. Thank you!


    • aishahchan says:

      Since the scheduled maintenance (and the unannounced maintenance), it seems that the game server has not been stable. As a result, everything resets pretty frequently. When the game resets, the task ranks, the Mystery House (sometimes) and the Stardust Audition ranks get reset as well. So it would be like the votes you have gotten never happened – therefore you have no rank.

      If I’m not mistaken, the game reset itself some time last night as well, and since last night was the last day of the previous Stardust Auditions, I imagine there were a lot of entries and your entry did not show up for people to vote on.

      You can contact customer service, but honestly I don’t think they will do anything about it.


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